Meet Magicland’s Funployees!

Frank Skinkerelli
The man who started the magic! “Uncle” Frank Skinkerelli built Magicland in 1979 despite his dad’s wishes that he become a podiatrist. Unfortunately, Frank passed away unexpectedly on the Tilt-A-Whirl, but the Skinkerelli name lives on in our park’s mascot Sammy Skink, and magic fans can still catch his wisdom and spunk in our found-footage episodes, Magicland Rewind.

Jake Skinkerelli
After Frank moved on to the big dunk tank in the sky, the management of the park passed to the next Skinkerelli in line, his son Jake. A recent graduate from the Peoria Online School of Business, Jake’s new-fangled ideas are sure to put the magic in Magicland! Or the “flu” in log flume, at least.

Candy is one of Magicland’s oldest FUNployees, and we think it’s skink-tastic that she’s stuck it out this long! Her name is really Candace, but Uncle Frank called her Candy, because she used to be so darn sweet. Candy has many, MANY years on her Magicland odometer, and it definitely shows. In her experience, we mean!

Conductor Bob
Conductor Bob is a veteran FUNployee who drives Magicland’s favorite ride, The Happy Worm Train. When he can find it, that is.

We never like to see frowny faces at Magicland, which is why we need Nurse Nancy to turn those frowns upside down! With the efficiency and bedside manner of a World War II medic, Nancy makes sure to get Magicland’s patrons patched up quick, so they don’t miss a millisecond of fun.

Nurse Otis is Nancy’s righthand man. He’s an ace with an ACE Bandage!

When Dirk was a kid, he was one of Magicland’s own Sunny Skinkerteers. Old school Magicland fans can still find him lurking around the park. He’ll even give out an autograph (for the right price).

Trish (pronounced Triiiiiiiiiish) was one of our sweetest Skinkerteers back in the day. Now she’s as salty as a bag of peppermint-coated pretzels, and about as pleasing to children.

Cindy’s Skinkerteer days inspired her to work with children, mostly as their supervisor in her booming keychain factory. She claims to be Frank’s god daughter, but we’re still waiting on that long-form christening certificate.